1800 Tequila Blanco 750ml
1800 Tequila Blanco 750ml
Bright water-white; on the nose 1800 Tequila Blanco has a distinct smoke and spice aroma with notes of crushed herb and cedar; on the palate 1800 Tequila Blanco is dry with a warming sensation and flavors of sweet cedar, smoke and pear. Best-selling 100% agave, super- premium tequila, 1800® follows the original formula created in the year 1800. The 1800® brand boasts Silver, Coconut, Reposado, Añejo, Milenio and Cristalino varieties. This range allows tequila novices and connoisseurs to experience the double-distilled cleanness of silver and nuanced aged tequilas.
• Made from blue agave handpicked in Jalisco, Mexico’s highlands.
• 1800® bottles, reminiscent of ancient Mayan stone pyramids, are iconic. (ABV 40% - 80 proof)
Other Varieties:
Camarena Tequila Silver 750ml
Patron Silver Tequila 375ml