Booker’s 30th Anniversary Bourbon 750ml
Booker’s 30th Anniversary Bourbon 750ml
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Booker’s Bourbon is a rare barrel-strength bourbon, bottled uncut and unfiltered. But you obviously know a good bit about Bourbon, because you don’t end up here by mistake. We don’t advertise. We don’t do social media. We just do bourbon.
We focus on the sweet spot. The center of the rackhouse where the temperature and humidity stars align to create the deepest and most intense flavors. Once it’s aged to perfection, which always varies, the liquid is bottled uncut and unfiltered. We don’t add, we don’t water down, and we don’t apologize for it. For some people, it may be too much. But for true bourbon fans, it’s probably the best ever. TASTE
The taste profile of this bourbon is lighter than most batches of Booker's, with a quick, dry finish that does not overpower your palate, and offers robust notes of vanilla and oak from the mingling of whiskies present in this release. Try Blanton's Bourbon from our Luxury Drinks Collection.