
Booker's Bourbon 750ml

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Booker's Bourbon 750ml

In 1988, Booker Noe introduced his own signature bourbon, Booker's True Barrel Bourbon. Inspired by a 200-year-old tradition, Booker's is the only bourbon bottled straight-from-the-barrel, uncut and unfiltered. First created as a holiday gift for his special friends, Booker's whiskey was so well-received that he decided to make it available to bourbon lovers worldwide; much to the joy of spirit connoisseurs everywhere. Booker's is the rarest, absolute best bourbon available.

Booker's Bourbon is the only uncut, unfiltered, straight-from-the-barrel, connoisseur's sipping bourbon available today. It's bottled at its natural proof of between 121 and 127, and aged between six and eight years. Booker Noe, Jim Beam's grandson and master distiller emeritus, hand selects each barrel that will become Booker's Bourbon. Each barrel that will become Booker's bourbon is aged in the very center of the rackhouse where the temperature and humidity combines in the perfect proportion for the finest bourbon. This is truly the absolute best bourbon available.


Tasting Notes


Age: 6 to 8 years


Proof: 121 to 127


Color: Deep, rich, smoky amber


Aroma: Big oak, vanilla, smoky charcoal


Taste: Intense, fruit, tannin, tobacco


Finish: Clean, long, intense


Award: Gold Medal Bourbon