Corralejo 99000 Horas Añejo Tequila 750ml
Corralejo 99000 Horas Añejo Tequila 750ml
This beautifully golden copper tequila got its name from the number of hours to produce it, from cultivating the Agave to bottling. Corralejo 99000 Horas Anejo Tequila is a 100% agave tequila which is aged 18 months in American oak barrels. This process ensures an exquisite blend of refreshing flavours combined with smooth wood flavors. Its name, 99,000 Horas, which means 99,000 hours, is the time required to produce it. The production process includes agave cultivation, harvest, distillation, aging, and bottling, and The name commemorates the dedication and patience required to produce a premium tequila. Corralejo 99000 Horas Anejo Tequila is distilled out of a melancholy and intense love for quality. It represents a tranquil form of life where only that which is necessary gets done, and the patience required for making great things is found. 100% agave tequila that is the essence of products produced by the Corralejo family, as it is the beginning of the history of each of our products since all tequilas begin white and become rested or aged depending on their maturity time. Corralejo 99000 Horas Anejo Tequila has an amber color with hints of ochre. It has notes of chocolate, vanilla and almond with intense oak aromas. A silky, full-bodied tequila that offers the palate, intense notes of wood and chocolate confirming the exquisite aromas of this tequila. Great on its own or on the rocks. Enjoy!
Corralejo Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml
Corralejo Reposado Tequila W/Two Glasses 750ml