Cristal Aguardiente Sin Azucar 750ml
Cristal Aguardiente Sin Azucar 750ml
This beautiful crystal clear spirit is soft, clean, and creamy with a silky mouth-feel. 0% Sugar and Cristal Aguardiente Sin Azucar offers excellent mixability in a variety of cocktails. Cristal Aguardiente Sin Azucar a rich tasting rum with toasty aromas of light toffee and hints of chocolate, honey, and molasses. 40% Alc./Vol. Aware of the commitment to respond to the needs of consumers and to new trends and consumption habits, in 2002 the first Sugar-Free Brandy "Sugar-Free Crystal Brandy" was created and marketed in the country, a spirit drink that allows you to take care of yourself without depriving yourself of pleasures, it is thus that venturing into new markets and new consumer groups demand from the category of spirits, permanent research, innovation and development of new products and presentations, launching the first miniatures and practical plastic bottles and / or or PET. Ideal for public or massive events protecting the integrity of the attendees