
Deau Black Cognac 750ml


Deau Black Cognac 750ml

The Deau Black Cognac is a wonderfully elegant Cognac of an Extra quality, made purely from Eaux-de-vie from the finest crus of the region, the Grande Champagne and Petite Champagne. It’s so named after the color of the glasses used by the Cellar Master when selecting eau-de-vie during blind tasting sessions. They are colored this way so there is no preconception of age down to the color of the liquid within. The youngest Eaux-de-vie in the blend has been aged for at least 7 years.

Eye: Deep golden hues.

Nose: Floral notes of iris, violet, honeysuckle, and orange blossom.

Palate: Reveals a gentle bouquet of dried apricot, tropical fruit, and smooth herbal notes with a hint of ginger. Deau Black Cognac is Rich and powerful, with a subtle, woody finish.

Other Varieties:

Deau Louis Memory Cognac 750ml