Glenmorangie 25 Yr Old Single Highland Malt Whisky 750ml
Glenmorangie 25 Yr Old Single Highland Malt Whisky 750ml
Glenmorangie 25 Year Old is a malt scotch whiskey that matures slowly over twenty-five long years to reach a level of depth and exquisite complexity. On the palate, Glenmorangie 25 Yr has the aroma of sweet marzipan, tropical coconut and fruits of the garden with cinnamon laden with cherries and plums. The hedge berries are mixed with luxurious chocolate and coffee shades followed by the sudden fresh mint. A sensation of intense heat that intoxicates with the aroma of the dark, syrupy and soft fruits that persist before melting smoothly.
Other Varieties:
Glenmorangie Grand Vintage 1997 Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml