
Hennessy Paradis Rare Cognac 750ml


Hennessy Paradis Rare Cognac 750ml

Possessed of rich successive aromas that only a great Cognac can obtain, Hennessy Paradis Rare Cognac reveals its delicate and velvety character, hinting at the silky texture that will follow. Its subtle texture allows it to gracefully blossom with a deep and fragrant persistence.

AROMA The aroma appears complex & very rich with a palate of delicious scents. Hennessy Paradis Rare Cognac conceals a subtle burst of pepper: spicy notes softened by the floral aroma expressing finesse & elegance. Several very slight hints of cardamom & cinnamon, aromas of crystallized fruit follow the fragrance of dry roses.

TASTE  The spicy & crystallized fruit fragrances invade the palate in a masterly fashion. This intensity, this strength of taste in the mouth develops slowly, & releases a bouquet of aromas whose complexity & finesse are more difficult to pin down than those sensed by the aroma. Try our Luxury Cognac Collection.

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