Jose Cuervo
Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver Tequila 750ml
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Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver Tequila 750ml
This 100% agave offering from Jose Cuervo offers a step up in quality and value over the entry-level Cuervo Gold mixto tequila. A good choice for margaritas, tequila sunrises and palomas, Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver isn't the most complex tequila, but its neutrality makes it an easy mixer. Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver is 100% blue agave silver tequila. It is irresistibly refined. When bottled, a special process is used to conserve its flavor and finish at freezing temperatures. This means that it can, and should, be kept chilled in the freezer and served as a crisp, smooth, frozen shot.
Other Varieties:
Jose Cuervo Pineapple Margarita Mix 1.75 Liter
Jose Cuervo Sparkling Paloma Ready To Drink 4pk