Maestro Dobel
Maestro Dobel Diamante Tequila 750ml
Maestro Dobel Diamante Tequila 750ml
A handsome premium white tequila from Maestro Dobel. Introducing the world’s first crystal-clear aged tequila with the complexity of aged cognacs combined with the crispness of luxury vodkas. Maestro Dobel Diamante Tequila is blended from reposado, Anejo and Extra Anejo 100% blue agave tequilas, and Maestro Dobel Diamante Tequila is then filtered to remove the color, whilst retaining a beautiful creamy flavor. Excellent stuff. The Cristalino tequila has a mild oak aroma with a touch of vanilla. Maestro Dobel Diamante Tequila has a citrus and prickly pear flavor with a smooth, crisp, clean finish. Pour one shot of straight Diamante Tequila to sip, into an old-fashioned glass with ice and a lemon slice or as a Margarita. (ABV 40% - 80 proof)
Other Varieties:
Maestro Dobel Añejo Tequila 750ml
I was first introduced to Maestro Dobel when my wife and I were in Cabo. Last night our local Cleveland Mexican joint, El Taco Macho, had a display setup with a special offering of the Diamante. We tried it and ended up leaving with a bottle. Delicious…