
Riazul Plata Tequila


In the early 1990’s  Iñaki Orozco inherited a very special piece of land, handed down in his family, for over 200 years.  When the Guerra de Independencia de México (Mexican War of Independence) was being fought, the highlands of Jalisco had served as a key battlefront. Iñaki’s ancestor, Maria Higinia Gomez served as a high counselor to the Mexican rebel leaders in this time and for her service, she was granted 10,000 acres of land.  Most of the land, she gave away to revolutionaries who fought for Mexico’s freedom, but the 250 acres she kept, is the land handed down to, Iñaki, and where he founded Riazul Tequila.

Rested 15 days in oak

Aroma: tropical fruits, vanilla, hints of spice and oak

Palate: vanilla, caramel, cooked agave, bits of chocolate and pineapple

Finish: quick, dry finish with pops of chocolate

ABV: 40% (80-proof)

NOM: 1460 / Compañia Tequilera de Arandas / Arandas, Jalisco