
Smirnoff Pink Lemonade Vodka 750ml


Smirnoff Pink Lemonade Vodka 750ml

NY International Spirits Competition-Chicago, IL- New Smirnoff Pink Lemonade pairs bright notes of subtly sweet pink berries, with the refreshing lemonade flavor you know and love. Pink Lemonade vodka can be enjoyed alone, or with club soda for a longer serve.

Infused with bright notes of pink berries and the classic flavor and certified colors of lemonade, Smirnoff Pink Lemonade tastes as refreshing as a tropical breeze. Triple distilled, this specialty spirit offers a pleasantly tart and sweet combination of juicy lemon flavor balanced with hints of raspberry and strawberry. Enjoy a chilled shot or serve with club soda over ice for a delicious drink to stay cool with. Includes one 60 proof 1.75 L bottle of Smirnoff Pink Lemonade. Please enjoy responsibly.

Other Varieties:

Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind Flavor Vodka