Stolichnaya Elit Vodka 750ml
Stolichnaya Elit Vodka 750ml
As arguably the World's most prestigious Vodka, Stolichnaya has always stood for elegance with an air of mystery about it. Always innovators, they have created Elit, using new freezing filtration processes described as revolutionary and upgrades the Vodka production traditions spanning hundreds of years. Using this new freezing filtration process, the spirit reaches a temperature of -18C, meaning that all impurities free solid and can be filtered out, leaving only the purest and highest quality spirit to create Vodka. We dare you to find a smoother Vodka than the Elit. Stolichnaya Elit Vodka delivers a soft, round taste of sweetness and a clean finish. Stolichnaya Elit Vodka can best be described as a luxury vodka from its smooth taste on your tongue to the patented unique way it is distilled.
Other Varieties:
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